Solar Charger for Fan to Make a Secluded Room Cool

Solar Charger for Fan to Make a Secluded Room Cool

You must have a secluded room in your home or shop. This place is usually used as a place to store things that are not used, but you are not ready to throw them away. Sometimes people just put things that block access inside the house into that secluded room. The room is just like a warehouse or attic. Dad could store his golf clubs in the shed at home. Mother kept her old sewing machine on top of the attic because there was no room downstairs. Once in a while, the kids play hide and seek in the attic or warehouse. 

Secluded spaces often get stuffy and hot when the temperature outside rises. Anyone who is in the room can be affected. Children can get overheat until their bodies sweat, and skin irritation is easy to come by. A cool room with a solar charger for a fan will make children comfortable playing even in a secluded attic. 

Remodel the Warehouse Into a Comfortable Workshop

Meeting and activities that used to be done freely outside the home are now a bit difficult to do. People started to create special rooms to be the studio or workshops for the needs of online meetings with colleagues and customers. 

Warehouse or attic at home can be used as a workshop where you can put several properties such as cameras, lighting, desk, laptops, or PCs to cabinets for product displays without worrying that children or strangers can interfere with the activities in the workshop. This secluded place in your home or shop will become a comfortable workshop space, with cool air as there is a solar fan, and located far from the main room. 

The steps to remodel the warehouse into this workshop include:

  1. Total cleaning of walls, ceilings, and floors. If necessary, the ceiling can be replaced to be safe and sound.
  2. You can put the carpet on the floor or replacing the floor with vinyl to add a homey ambiance.
  3. You can also put macrame and plants in some corners of the cleanroom.
  4. Place the solar charging fan in the corner. Don't forget to hide away the solar charger for the fan after use. During the online meeting, the solar will flow the cool air so that you can complete the task well. 

How to Clean Solar Fan

After using it for a long time, you need to clean the solar fan to keep it in good condition for years of use. If you live in an area where there is little dust and heat, you don't need to clean the panels too often. Panels do not become too dirty due to environmental conditions. 

If the weather is quite hot every day, you need to intensely clean by dipping a sponge or soft cloth in warm water that has been mixed with the special shop. Scrub the panels gently to clean, but do not damage the other parts of the solar fan. You can also use isopropyl alcohol if there are oil stains on the panel due to negligence or are in an area with high pollution levels. 

Know the Function of Solar Charger for Fan

Every product that uses solar power has this solar charger controller, which has the following functions:

  • Keep the battery charge in a fully charged state.
  • Prevent the battery's over-discharge if the battery is too low.
  • Regulate the charging current from the solar cell to the battery without causing the battery to 'overcharge'. Overcharge conditions can damage the battery so that your solar fan or solar light product cannot be used anymore. 

Where to Find the Quality Solar Fan

It's so easy to find various solar-powered electronic products these days on the internet. However, finding a quality one is certainly not as easy as you might think. Talking about quality, you can rely on a professional manufacturer that has created many products for solar lights and fans, SDD Light. 

This manufacturer, which is located in Guangdong, China, has a solar charging fan product that can get power supply from direct sunlight or electricity connected to a 220V adapter. Visit the website to choose the product you need. All SDD Light products have met the Electric Security Standard of Europe and America.

Contact Us

SDD Hongkong Trading Limited

No. 465-1, Chebei Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


+86 18684793446


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