Lumen Definition, What is Lumen?

Definition Of Lumen, A Factor Of Brightness In A Lamp

lumen definition lamp brightness level

The lamp is a means of lighting at night. Because if there is no light, the world will feel dark even though the moon is present as natural light. Did you know that the brightness of a lamp does not only come from watts? But there is another factor, namely the lumen.

When you buy a lamp, of course, you will pay attention to some specifications, including watts, power, or voltage, as well as the frequency of electricity. This will affect the light that will illuminate the room or place you want. There is one more specification of the lamp that you should know.

What Are Lumens?

When someone buys a lamp, it is bound to mention one of the most important specifications. Namely, watts, which is considered a determinant of the brightness level of the lamp. But there is one thing you should pay attention to too. It is lumen or commonly abbreviated as L, which is also one of the specifications on the lamp.

A term is a unit of light intensity produced by a light source, including lamps. The brightness level of the lamp is determined by this one specification. But most people still think it was done by Watt. So that often happens in the case of people buying lamps. They buy with the same wattage, but when plugged in, the brightness levels are different.

The brightness of a lamp is determined by lumens. The higher the number in this specification, the brighter the light produced. To be able to find out these specifications, you can look at the description of the lamp. However, some brands may not list. Therefore, if you don't find it in the lamp description, you can estimate yourself based on the type and wattage of the lamp.

The unit of light intensity in this lamp can be used daily in your home, following the activities and needs of the brightness in the room. For example, a kitchen room will require a lamp brightness of 300-400 L, while a bedroom can use a 300 L lamp.

How To Choose The Right Lamp For Your Room

Choosing the right lamp must be done because it will result in a lighting pad somewhere. Do not choose a lamp with a small light, and place it in a large room. On the other hand, a small room or place should not use lamps with lighting that is too large.

  • Specify The Number Of Lumens

Before you choose the Watt specifications for the desired lamp; you must first determine the units that are still unknown to many people. The unit is lumens. The meaning has been explained above. But broadly speaking, this term can be interpreted as the amount of light that comes out to illuminate a place.

For example, if you will choose a lamp in the bedroom. Suppose your room has a size of 2 x 3 meters. Then the lumen requirement is 1500.

  • Determine The Number Of Watts

After you know the specification requirements in number 1, the next step is to determine the second specification. This specification has often been used by many people, namely Watt. Most people buy lamps only with Watts as a marker of the desired item.

For example, Watt is needed after knowing the initial specifications. With 1500 lumens, a room measuring 2 x 3 meters, you can use 1 8 Watt LED lamp.

  • The Appropriate Watts Is The Key

The use of lamps with the right wattage and lumens will make a place have ideal lighting. Not too much or too little light. Especially if a room with lights that are too bright. Occupants in the room will feel very dazzled. It makes a waste for the owner of the room.

On the other hand, if the Watt power is too low, it has the potential to damage eye health. And the room does not have maximum lighting. For that, determining the first and second specifications above is very important.

  • Determine The Type Of Lamp

After determining the required lamp specifications, the next step is to choose the type of lamp. The type of lamp is also important to note. In addition to dealing with the issue of cost, the type of lamp will provide a different lighting effect. For example, a lamp with an LED type will provide light with a soft and warm impression.

LED-type lamps also save costs compared to other types, especially when combined with a power source from solar power. Of course, it will save your pocket.

Unlike halogen lamps, this lamp is predicted to be more extravagant than the LED type. However, there are advantages to this type of lamp. That is, the light produced is more evenly distributed and has a more affordable price.

So, have you understood the term lumen, which is very important to choose your dream lamp? If you still have questions, you can contact our contact, SDD Light. We are a solar lamp manufacturer that serves orders to foreign countries. The products we produce are made from the best materials, resulting in good quality.

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+86 18684793446


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